Saidia-Förderkreis e.V.

Subsistence support – School and training support – Family support

The aim and purpose of the Saidia-Förderkreis e.V. is to improve the living conditions of socially disadvantaged families and children, especially orphans, in Tanzania (Africa) by helping them to help themselves and by promoting school education and vocational training.

To achieve this goal, we award scholarships for the education and vocational training of children and young people, support families particularly threatened by poverty through livelihood programmes and provide support in the medical field if necessary.




Learn more about the goals and vision of the Saidia-Förderkreis e.V. here.
Here we present the projects of the Saidia Förderkreis e.V.
The basic idea of the Saidia support group is: To give charity in order to help people to help themselves.

This is what distinguishes us as Saidia-Förderkreis e.V.:

100% of your donations and membership fees are used for the project in Africa. Our low administrative costs are covered by existing members and donors.

Full transparency of income and expenditure to all members

Experience from almost 20 years of targeted development aid with established, effective and successful projects.

Strong roots in the local community and long-standing network in the region.

Active members in Germany volunteer with heart and passion. Together we shape Saidia-Förderkreis e.V.

Become a member or donor! Support our projects and goals through financial and/or personal commitment! The children and families to whom you enable the way out of deepest poverty and give the chance for a self-determined life will thank you forever.

We would like to thank you for your support:




Info and registration:

+49 40-689 151 99
